miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Digestive System

This is what the two classes of 4th grade are learning at the moment. 
What happens to food when enters our body? Click play and find out!

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

January Vocabulary Superstars and Super Speakers!

     In the 3rd month of this new program for Los Dolores, more students are working hard and preparing for weekly vocabulary quizes.  In the month of January we had 3 quizes (the month was cut short becuase of the winter holiday).   Students who earned 45 or more points recieved this month badge and certificate for their hard work.    75 Students earned badges this month!  Way to go! 

Also, students were selected in each class as Super Speakers.  Wow!  Their English is improving so much!  Great work Yelani, Daniel, Fahd, Diego, Nieves, Mohammed Amine, Alvaro, and Yaiza

Below are some of the highlights of the award ceremony!

1A Class Vocabulary Superstars

1B Class Vocabulary Superstars

2B Class Vocabulary Superstars

3A Class Vocabular Superstars
2A Class Vocabulary Superstars

3B Class Vocabulary Superstars

4A Class Vocabulary Superstars

4B Class Vocabulary Superstars

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Europe On Air - School video - Los Dolores Cartagena (Los grupos)

- Here is a video of our wonderful city and school. -
Thanks to our language assistant, Jessica Taylor, for the fabulous job! :-)